Diagnosis and treatment of perforating chest wound in 68 cases 胸部锐器贯通伤68例临床诊疗分析
Experimental Study on the Early Effect of Firearm Perforating Wound to Vertebral Body by Different Velocity Bullet 不同弹速椎体火器贯通伤对机体早期影响的实验研究
He fell prostrate in the mud with a perforating wound of the neck, with the wound exit over the tracheal area and a fracture of the trachea. 他栽倒在泥泞中,脖子上伤口形成贯穿伤,因为贯穿出口位于气管区上方,加之气管断裂。
Experimental and clinical observation of the medicated contact lens in early treatment of perforating corneal wound 载药角膜接触片对角膜穿破伤早期处理的实验及临床研究
The Management of the Corneal Perforating Wound associated with Prolapse of Iris 角膜穿孔伤合并虹膜脱出的处理
Results: In twenty-three were, twenty-one suffered from injuries of proximal extrahepatic biliary duct by cholecystectomy, two suffered from perforating wound of distal biliary duct by choledochal exploration. Twenty-two cases were cured, one case died. 结果:23例中,由胆囊切除术引起的肝外胆管近端损伤21例,由胆总管探查术引起的胆总管远端穿通伤2例,22例治愈,l例死亡。
Objective: To investigate the early effect of firearm perforating wound to vertebral body caused by different velocity bullet and the mechanisms of the early stage of secondary events in GSI to spine. 目的:探讨不同弹速椎体贯通伤对机体的早期影响及椎体贯通伤后早期脊髓继发损伤机制。